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AP Bassett Solicitors - all sorts of legal problems resolved


We hope that you are pleased with our work but if problems arise and you are unhappy about our service or costs then please contact us. Initially we hope you can speak with the person who has been working for you. If this does not resolve the problem, please contact Paul Bassett. If Paul is the one working for you, then please contact Peter Ripley.

Within 5 working days we hope we will have been able to discuss and resolve any problems, but if not, then we have a more formal procedure to follow.

  1. Your complaint will be registered and investigated by a senior lawyer, not involved in your matter.
  2. That person will write to you within 14 days. They may suggest a meeting and if you wish for that to happen, we will arrange it at a time convenient to you, as soon as possible.
  3. However, it maybe that the investigating lawyer comes up with a satisfactory solution without a meeting being arranged.
  4. At any meeting, hopefully suggested solutions can be explored and you will be given time to consider them. 
  5. The advent of COVID restrictions has meant arrangements for meetings generally are difficult but we have learned the skills of Zoom, Teams and WhatsApp.

If we can't solve the problem, there are others who can. If the problem remains unresolved, you can contact the Legal Ombudsman.


Postal address: P O Box 6806 Wolverhampton.

Tel: 0300 555 0333


Please note, any complaint to the Legal Ombusdman should be made within 6 months of our written reply to the complaint and the Legal Ombudsman's time limit for accepting a complaint are 6 years from the date of the event or omission complained about, or, three years from when you should resonably have known there was cause for complaint.


If you object to our bill of costs and we are not able to resolve that with you, then the Solicitors Act 1974 gives you the right to apply to the Court for an assessment of our charges. 

We are also regulated by the Solicitors Reguation Authority (SRA) and if you are unhappy with our behaviour, for example, this could be things like, dishonesty, losing your money or treating you unfairly, because of your age, disability or other characteristic, then that authority can be contacted for assistance. The contact details are:


Postal Address: The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham B1 1RN

Tel: 0370 606 2555


AP Bassett Solicitors - free consultations, home visits, flexible working hours in Lostwithiel and Bodmin, Cornwall